Dept Libr MASTER - Duke University

call number
Donor Location
Broughton, T. Robert
The Magistrates of the Roman Republic and Supplement to The
Lancaster, Penn.:
DG 83.5. A1
Magistrates, Roman
Brown, Blanche R.
Ptolemaic Paintings and Mosaics and the Alexandrian Style
Cambridge, MA:
ND 1084. A4. B7
Brown Classical Journal
Vols. 6 (1989-1990),
Journal Shelf
Brown, Frank Edward
Block L5. The Temple of Adonis. Block B3. The Temple of Zeus
New Haven: Yale UP,
DS 99. D8. Y32 v.7-8
Brown, Frank Edward
Cosa I: History and Topography
American Academy in
DG 70. B587. B74
Brown, Frank Edward
Cosa II: The Temples of the Arx (Part I: Architecture)
American Academy in
DG 70. B587. B74
Brown, Frank Edward
The Regia
Extract from the
DG 12. A6 v.22
Brown, Frank Edward
Roman Architecture
NA 310. B75
Brown, Frank Edward
Brown, Truesdell S.
The Greek Historians
Lexington, MA.: D. C.
DF 215. B22 1973
Browning, Robert
Emperor Julian
Berkeley: University
DG 317. B76 1976
Julian, Emperor of Rome, 331-363
Bruck, Eberhard F.
Kirchenväter und Soziales Erbrecht: Wanderungen Religiöser
Berlin: Springer-
BX 1939. I3. B88
Charitable bequests--History
Bruck, Eberhard F.
Uber Romisches Recht im Rahmen der Kulturgeschichte
Berlin: Springer-
KBD 0.12. B78 1954
Roman law--History
Brugmann, Karl
Griechische Grammatik
München: Beck, 1900
PA 31. M9 abt.2.1
Greek language--Grammar, Historical
Brugmann, Karl
Kurze Vergleichende Grammatik der Indogermanischen
Strassburg: Trubner,
P 575. B87 1904 v.1
Bruhl, Adrien
Liber Pater: Origine et Expansion du Culte Dionysiaque a Rome
Paris: E. de Boccard,
BL 820. B2. B75
Dionysus (Greek deity)--Cult
Bruhn, E.
Lucubrationum Euripidearum
PA 3978. B78 1886
Brumbaugh, Robert
Platoʼs Mathematical Imagination
Bloomington: Indiana
AS 36. I385 no. 29
Brun, Jean
Platon et LʼAcadémie
Paris: Presses
B 395. B773 1966
Bruneau, Philippe
Guide de Délos
Paris: E. de Boccard,
DF 261. D3. B7
Delos Island (Greece)--Guidebooks
Bryant, Donald C.,
Papers in Rhetoric and Poetic
Iowa City: University
PN 187. B75
Bryce, James
The Holy Roman Empire
London: MacMillan
DD 90. B952 1961
Holy Roman Empire--History
Bryn Mawr Classical Review
1.1; 2.1; 2.3-2.7; 3.1
Journal Shelf
Classical philology--Book reviews--Periodicals
Buchner, Karl
P. Vergilius Maro: Der Dichter der Romer
Stuttgart: Alfred
PA 6825. B84 1966
Buck, Carl Darling
Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin
University of Chicago
PA 111. B8
Greek language--Grammar, Comparative--Latin
Buck, Carl Darling
Grammar of Oscan and Umbrian with a Collection of Inscriptions
Boston: Ginn and
PA 2443. B8
Umbrian language--Grammar
Buckler, W. H. and
Sardis: Volume VII: Greek and Latin Inscriptions
Leiden: E. J. Brill,
DS 156. S3. A6
Buckler, W. H. and
Anatolian Studies Presented to Sir William Mitchell Ramsay
London: Manchester
DS 155. A535
Bucolic Poets, trans. J. M. Edmonds
PA 3611. A3 1928
Theocritus--Translations into English.
Bucolici Graeci
PA 3405. S8. T40
Bucolici Graeci, ed. H.L Ahrens
Lipsiae: Teubner,
PA 3404. B7 1902
Budge, Wallis
Book of the Dead
London: Kegan Paul,
PJ 1555. E5. B7 1901
Budge, Wallis
Egyptian Ideas of the Future Life
London: Kegan Paul,
BL 2441.2. M613
Future life.
Budge, Wallis
Egyptian Magic
London: Keegan
BF 1591. B8 1899
Magic, Egyptian
Bühler, Hans-Peter
Antike GefäBe aus Edelsteinen
Mainz: Verlag Philipp
NA 310. B8 1973
Gems, Ancient
Bulard, Marcel
La Religion domestique dans la Colonie Italienne de Délos
Paris: E. de Boccard,
BL 2443. B10
Cults--Greece--Delos (Island)
Bulicev Zbornik Strena Buliciana
Journal Shelf
Bulletin Analytique dʼHistoire Romaine
Vol. 8 (1969)
Journal Shelf
Bulletin: Association Internationale dʼEtudes du Sud-Est
Vol. 2.2 (1964)
Journal Shelf
Bulletin of the American School of Oriental Research
54-187 (1934-67)
Journal Shelf
Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists
Vols. 1 (1963-1964),
Journal Shelf
Manuscripts (Papyri)
Bulletin of the Israel Exploration Society.
14 (1948)-16, 17.3
Journal Shelf
Rostovtzeff-Welles 03-Allen
Bulletin of the Jewish Palestinian Exploration Society
Journal Shelf