Dept Libr MASTER - Duke University

call number
Donor Location
Bainton, Roland H.
Early Christianity
Princeton, New
BR 162. B25 1960
Baker, Charles
High School Course in Latin Composition
New York: Macmillan
PA 2087. B55 v.1-2
Latin language--Composition and exercises
Ball, Robert J., ed.
Classical Papers of Gilbert Highet
PA 3003. H5 1983
Classical literature--History and criticism
Balme, Maurice and
Athenaze: An Introduction to Ancient Greek; vol. 1-2 and
PA 258. B325 1990 a
Greek language--Grammar
Balsdon, J. P. V. D.
Emperor Gaius (Caligula)
DG 283. B3 1964
Caligula, Emperor of Rome, 12-41
Balsdon, J. P. V. D.
Life and Leisure in Ancient Rome
New York: McGraw-
DG 90. B25 1969b
Rome--Social life and customs.
Balsdon, J. P. V. D.
Romans and Aliens
Chapel Hill: U of
DG 78. B26 1979
Balty, J. C.
Guide de Apamée
Brussels: Diffusion de
DS 156. A53. B2
Bammer, A.
Architektur des jüngeren Artemision von Ephesos
Wiesbaden: 1972
NA 285. E6. B34
Ephesus (Extinct city)
Bandinelli, Ranuccio
Roma: La fine dellʼarte antica
Milan: Giangiacomo
N 5760. B2 1970a
Art, Roman
Bandinelli, Ranuccio
Rome: The Centre of Power - Roman Art to AD 200
London: Thames &
N 5760. B2 1970b
Art, Roman
Barbaro, E. T.
Il Muro di Cinta Occidentale e la Topografia de Reggio Ellenica
Napoli: LʼArte
NB 91. C2. B2 1967
Barbour, R.
Greek Literary Hands A.D. 400-1600
N 5640. B7
Paleography, Greek.
Barker, John W.
Manuel II Palaeologus, 1391-1425: A Study in Late Byzantine
New Brunswick:
DF 639. B3 1969
Barlow, S.
Imagery of Euripides
London 1971
PA 3992. B3 1971
Euripides--Literary style
Barnet R. D.
Phrygia and the Peoples of Anatolia in the Iron Age
The Cambridge Ancient History Revised Edition of Volumes I
Cambridge University
D 57. C25 v.1-2
Barrow, R. H.
The Romans
DG 77. B34 1964
Barth, Paul
Die Stoa
Stuttgart: Fr.
B 528. B3 1922
Bartosek, Milan
Senatusconsultum Trebellianum
Prague: Nakladem
KG 6749
Basanoff, V.
Regifugium: La Fuite du Roi: Histoire et Mythe
Paris: Librarie
BL 815. R4. B3
Basil, St.
PA 3612. B45 1926
Bates, Fred Orlando
The Five Post-Kleisthenean Tribes
Ithaca, NY: MacMillan
DF 245. B7
Athens (Greece)--History
Bates, N.
Euripides: A Student of Human Nature
PA 3978. B35 1969
Euripides--Criticism and interpretation
Baur, Paul V. C.
Catalogue of the Rebecca Darlington Stoddard Collection of
New Haven: Yale UP,
NK 4623. N5. B3
Vases, Greek
DS 51. L8. B1
Bayer, Erich and
Die Chronologie des Perikleischen Zeitalters
DF 227.5. B38 1975
Greece--History--To 146 B.C.--Historiography.
Bayet, Jean
Histoire politique et psychologique de la religion romaine
Paris: Payot, 1957
BL 805. B38
Bayet, Jean
Les Origines de l'Hercule Romain
Paris: E. de Boccard,
BL 802. B25
Hercules (Roman mythology)
Baynes, Norman H.
Byzantium: An Introduction to East Roman Civilization
Oxford: Clarendon
DF 521. B28 1948
Byzantine Empire--Civilization
Bean, George E.
Aegean Turkey: An Archaeological Guide
London: Ernest Benn
DS 51. B4
George E. Bean
Turkey Beyond the Maeander: An Archaeological Guide
London: Ernest Benn
DS 51. M7. B4
Muğla İli (Turkey)--Antiquities.
Bean, George E.
Turkey's Southern Shore: An Archaeological Guide
London: Ernest Benn
DS 51. B4 1968b
George E. Bean
Lycian Turkey: An Archaeological Guide
London: Ernest Benn
DS 51. L8. B45
Excavations (Archaeology)--Turkey--Lycia.
Bean, G.E. and T.B.
Journeys in Rough Cilicia 1964-1968
Wien: Hermann
AS 142. V32 Bd 102
Beard, Mary and
Rome in the Late Republic
Ithaca: Cornell UP,
DG 254. B37 1985
Rome--History--Republic, 265-30 B.C
Beatson, B., ed.
Index graecitatis Sophocleae
PA 4418. B36 1830
Beauchet, Ludovic
Droit Antique: Histoire du Droit Prive de la Republique
Paris: Chevalier-
KBB 0. 14. C55. B42
Civil law--Athens.
Beaujeu, Jean
La Religion Romaine a l'Apogée de l'Empire
Paris: Société
BL 801. B42
Beazley, J. D.
Attic Red Figure Vase-Painters
Oxford: Clarendon
NK 4649. B44 v. 1-3
Vase-painting, Greek
Beazley, J. D.
Attic Black Figure
Oxford UP, 1928
NK 4648. B49 1928
Vase-painting, Greek.
Beazley, J.D.
Heleneis Apaiteisis
Offprint of
AS 122. L5 no. 43