Operation Manual

359Using the Optional IS-12 Color Image Scanner Cartridge
Using the Scanner
Replacing a BJ Cartridge With the Scanner Cartridge
Make sure that the printer is plugged in and turned on. Open the cartridge
cover and press the CARTRIDGE button; the cartridge holder moves to the
center of the printer.
Lift up on the green tab to remove the BJ cartridge from the cartridge
holder. Take care that you do not raise any other tab nor remove a BJ tank.
Immediately store the BJ cartridge in an Ink Cartridge Storage Box.
Close the container tightly to prevent the print head of the BJ cartridge from
drying out. If the print head dries out, the BJ cartridge will become
Lift the green tab
BJC-55.book Page 359 Tuesday, August 15, 2000 2:08 AM