
Command Descriptions
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TDS3000, TDS3000B, and TDS3000C Series Programmer Manual
enables hard copy file compression.
Specifies the file that hard copy data is written to on the next HARDCOPY START
command. To do multiple hard copies using the HARDCOPY START command you
must change the HARDCopy:FILEName before each HARDCOPY START or the same
file will be overwritten each time. HARDCopy:FILEName file names are not
checked for syntactical correctness until HARDCOPY START is received. (This is a
feature that allows you to specify directories that may not exist yet, as long as
they are eventually created.)
Hard copy
HARDCopy:FILEName <file path>
<file path> specifies that the hard copy is sent to the named file. <file
path> is a quoted string that defines the file name and path. Input the file path
using the form <drive> <dir>/<filename>. <drive> and one or more <dir>s
are optional. If you do not specify them, the oscilloscope will write the file to the
current directory. <filename> stands for a filename of up to 8 characters
followed by a period (.) and any 3-character suffix. If a suffix is supplied, it is
ignored. The only way to specify the hard copy format is using the HARDCO-
PY:FORMAT command (or set it in the menu). That is, if the hard copy format
is TIFF, then the command HARDCOPY:FILENAME “NEXTFILE.DJ” does
not change the hard copy format to DeskJet. The file that actually gets written is
called “NEXTFILE.TIF” and the contents of the file are in TIFF format.
The current directory refers to the name of a directory as returned by the
FILESystem:CWD query.
selects TEK.IBM as the selected file name to write the hard copy to during the
next hard copy.
might return :HARDCOPY:FILENAME ”TEK.IBM” as the selected file name.
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