
Command Descriptions
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TDS3000, TDS3000B, and TDS3000C Series Programmer Manual
Sets or returns the current math function as a text string. For TDS3AAM, this
command sets or returns the math FFT parameters. For the TDS3AAM, this
command also sets or returns the advanced math parameters. This is equivalent
to setting the math parameters in the Math menu. The syntax of this command
depends on the value of the MATH:TYPe command, as well as which applica-
tion module is installed in the instrument.
Where the syntax for <QString> is:
Dual Wfm Math and DPO Math: ”<source><operator><source>”
FFT Math: ”FFT (<source>[,<window>,<scaling>])”
Advanced Math: ”<expression>”
For the Dual Wfm Math and DPO Math, <QString> contains the expression
source sets the signal or reference source. Valid choices are: CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4,
REF1, REF2, REF3,orREF4. CH3 and CH4 are only available on four-channel
operator sets the operation to apply to the two waveforms. F or Dual Wfm
Math, valid operators are + (addition), - (subtraction), * (multiplication),
and / (division).
For DPO Math, valid operators are + (addition), - (subtraction), and
* (multiplication). There is no division in DPO math.
For FFT math, <QString> contains the expression
”FFT (<source>[,<window>,<scaling>])”.
source sets the signal or reference source from which to generate an FFT
waveform. Valid choices are: CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4, REF1, REF2, REF3,orREF4.
CH3 and CH4 are only available on four-channel instruments.
Dual and DPO Arguments
FFT Arguments