
Command Descriptions
TDS3000, TDS3000B, and TDS3000C Series Programmer Manual
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ALTernating sets the trigger source to alternate between each displayed input
CH<x> sets the trigger source to the specified input channel, where <x> is 1, 2, 3,
or 4.
EXT sets the trigger source to the regular external trigger input connector with a
signal input range of --0.8 V to +0.8 V. EXT is not available in 4-channel
TDS3000 Series instruments.
EXT10 sets the trigger source to the reduced external trigger with a signal input
range of --8 V to +8 V. EXT10 is not available in 4-channel TDS3000 Series
LINE sets the trigger source to the AC line frequency.
NOTE. LINE is not available when the instrument is operating on battery power.
VERTical sets the trigger source to the lowest numbered displayed channel.
TRIGger:A:COMMunication:SOUrce CH2
sets the communications A trigger source to oscilloscope channel 2.
(Requires TDS3TMT)
Sets or returns the current mask standard’s trigger settings. The set mode of this
command only applies to the User mask A trigger settings. The query mode of
this command returns the current mask A trigger settings.
TRIGger:A:COMMunication:STANdard { CLOCKCoax | CLOCKSymmetrical
| DS0Contra | DS0Double | DS0Single | DS0Timing | DS1C | DS1Rate
| DS2 | DS2RATECoax | DS2RATESymmetrical | DS3Rate | E1Coax
| E1Symmetrical | E2 | E3 | G703DS1 | G703DS3 | RATE32Mbit
| STS1Pulse }
CLOCKCoax through RATE32Mbit specifies the communication standard trigger
settings to apply to the A trigger.