
Table of C ontents
TDS3000, TDS3000B, and TDS3000C Series Programmer Manual
List of Figures
Figure 1--1: Common message elements 1--2.......................
Figure 1 -- 2: Functional groupings and an alphabetical list of
commands 1--2............................................
Figure 1 -- 3: Service Requests (SRQs) provide for event (interrupt)
driven programs 1--3.......................................
Figure 1--4: Communication module conn ectors 1--5................
Figure 1--5: TDS3EM LEDs 1--5.................................
Figure 1--6: Communication module moun ting location 1--6..........
Figure 1--7: Communication module location 1--7...................
Figure 1--8: The Ethernet Network Settings menu 1--9...............
Figure 1 -- 9: The Change Instrument Settings screen 1--10.............
Figure 1--10: The Ethernet Printer Settings window 1--16.............
Figure 1--11: How to stack GPIB connectors 1--19...................
Figure 1--12: T ypical GPIB network configurations 1--19.............
Figure 1 -- 13: Selecting the System: I/O menu 1--20...................
Figure 1--14: The RS-232 connector pin assignments 1--21............
Figure 1--15: RS-232 parameter settings 1--22.......................
Figure 2--1: Command Message Elements 2--2......................
Figure 2--2: Block Argument Example 2--10........................
Figure 3 -- 1: The Standard Event Status Register (SESR) 3--1.........
Figure 3--2: The Status Byte Register (SBR) 3--2....................
Figure 3 -- 3: The Device Event Status Enable Register (DESER) 3--3...
Figure 3 -- 4: The Event Status Enable Register (ESER) 3--4...........
Figure 3 -- 5: The Service Request Enable Register (SRER) 3--4........
Figure 3--6: Status and event handling process 3--6.................
Figure 3 -- 7: Command processing without using synchronization 3--8..
Figure 3 -- 8: Processing sequence with synchronization 3--8...........