
Command Groups
TDS3000, TDS3000B, and TDS3000C Series Programmer Manual
Calibration and Diagnostic Commands
Calibration and Diagnostic commands let you start the self-calibration and
diagnostic routines that are built into the oscilloscope. The diagnostic test
operation includes selecting the test sequence, executing the sequence, and
viewing the results. Table 2--6 lists these commands.
Table 2- 6: Calibration and diagnostic commands
Header Description
CAL? Returns status of CALibrate:INTERNal and
*CAL? Returns status and invokes CALibrate:INTER-
CALibrate:FACtory:ABOrt Aborts the calibration factory process
CALibrate:FACtory:CONTInue Instructs the instrument to execute the current
factory calibration step
CALibrate:FACtory:NOTIfy:DUE? Queries if calibration is due
CALibrate:FACtory:NOTIfy:HOURs Sets and returns hours until calibration is due
CALibrate:FACtory:NOTIfy:YEARs Sets and returns number of year until
calibration is due
CALibrate:FACtory:PREVious Instructs the instrument to back up one step to
allow the next
CALibrate:FACtory:CONTInue command to
repeat that step
CALibrate:FACtory:STARt Begins the factory calibration sequence
CALibrate:FACtory:STATUS? Returns the factory calibration status value
CALibrate:FACtory:STEPstatus? Returns the status of the last factory cal step
executed. After cal sequence is complete,
returns the same status as
CALibrate:INTERNal Executes or queries the state of signal path
compensation (SPC)
CALibrate:INTERNal:STARt Performs signal path compensation (SPC)
CALibrate:INTERNal:STATUS? Return the SPC calibration status value saved
in non-volatile memory
DIAg:LOOP:OPTion Sets the diagnostic loop option
DIAg:LOOP:STOP Stops diagnostic at the end of the current loop