
Command Groups
TDS3000, TDS3000B, and TDS3000C Series Programmer Manual
Table 2- 16: Mask commands (cont.)
Header Description
MASK:MASKPRE:VOFFSet Sets or returns the nominal vertical offset, in
volts, used to vertically offset the input
MASK:MASKPRE:VPOS Sets or returns the nominal vertical position, in
divisions, used to vertically position the input
MASK:MASKPRE:VSCAle Sets or returns the nominal vertical scale, i n
volts per division, used to vertically scale the
input channels
MASK:MASKPRE:WIDth Sets or returns the nominal bit width in
MASK:POLarity Sets or returns the input waveform polarit y
pass/fail testing mode
MASK:STANdard Sets or returns the currently-displayed mask
MASK:STOPOnviolation Sets or returns the stop on violation mode
MASK:TESt:BEEP:COMPLetion Sets or returns the beep on pass/fail test
completion mode
Sets or returns the beep on pass/fail test
failure mode
MASK:TESt:DELay Sets or returns the amount of time to wait after
starting pass/fail testing to evaluate wave-
MASK:TESt:HARDCopy Sets or returns the hard copy on pass/ fail test
failure mode
MASK:TESt:REPeat Sets or returns the repeat pass/fail test on
completion mode
MASK:TESt:SAVEWFM Sets or returns the save waveform to file on
failure mode
MASK:TESt:STATE Sets or returns the state of mask pass/fail
MASK:TESt:STATUS? Returns the mask test pass/fail status
MASK:TESt:THReshold Sets or returns the maximum number of tested
waveforms that are allowed to fail during each
pass/fail test
MASK:TESt:WAVEform Sets or returns the number of waveforms to
test during pass/fail testing
Deletes the specified mask segment from the
User mask
MASK:USER:MASK<m>:NR_Pt? Returns the number of points that make up the
specified mask segment in the User mask