
Command Groups
TDS3000, TDS3000B, and TDS3000C Series Programmer Manual
Table 2- 20: Measurement commands (cont.)
Header Description
MEASUrement:METHod Method f or calculating reference levels
MEASUrement:REFLevel? Returns reference levels
MEASUrement:REFLevel:ABSolute:HIGH Sets or returns the high reference level
MEASUrement:REFLevel:ABSolute:LOW Sets or returns the low reference level
MEASUrement:REFLevel:ABSolute:MID Sets or returns the mid reference level
MEASUrement:REFLevel:ABSolute:MID2 Sets or returns the mid2 reference level
MEASUrement:REFLevel:METHod Specifies reference level used for calculation
MEASUrement:REFLevel:PERCent:HIGH Sets or returns the percent of t he high
reference level
MEASUrement:REFLevel:PERCent:LOW Sets or returns the percent of t he low
reference level
MEASUrement:REFLevel:PERCent:MID Sets or returns percent of the mid reference
MEASUrement:REFLevel:PERcent:MID2 Sets or returns percent of the mid2 reference
MEASUrement:SNAPShot Displays measurement snapshot
Sets operation and display measurement
Sets responsiveness of the mean and
standard waveform changes
Miscellaneous Commands
Miscellaneous commands do not fit into other categories. Table 2--21 lists these
Several commands and queries are common to all 488.2--1987 devices on the
GPIB bus. The 488. 2--1987 standard defines them. They begin with a star (*)
Table 2- 21: Miscellaneous commands
Header Description
BELl Audio alert
DATE Sets date
*DDT Define group execute trigger (GET)
FACtory Similar to *RST