
Command Groups
TDS3000, TDS3000B, and TDS3000C Series Programmer Manual
Table 2- 21: Miscellaneous commands (cont.)
Header Description
HDR Same as HEADer
HEADer Returns command header with query
LANGuage Selects language
LOCk Locks front panel (local lockout)
*LRN? Returns instrument settings
NEWpass Changes password for User Protected Data
PASSWord Access to change User Protected Data
POWER:AC:PRESENt? Returns a 1 the instrument is powered by AC
POWER:BACKLight Sets or returns idle time that must lapse
before the backlight turns off
POWER:BATTery:PRESENt? Returns a 1 if a battery is installed
POWER:BATTery:GASgauge? Returns remaining charge that is left in the
battery. 0 = empty to 15 = full
POWER:SHUTdown Sets or returns idle time that must lapse
before the instrument is powered off
REM No action; remark only
*RST Returns most settings to factory default
SET? Same as *LRN?
TEKSecure Initialize waveforms and setups
TIMe Sets Time
*TRG Perform Group Execute Trigger (GET)
*TST? Self-test
UNLock Unlock front panel (local lockout)
VERBose Returns full command name or minimum
spellings with query