
Command Groups
TDS3000, TDS3000B, and TDS3000C Series Programmer Manual
RS-232 Commands
RS-232 commands allow you to use the serial communications port available
with a communication module. Table 2--22 lists these commands.
Table 2- 22: RS-232 commands
Header Description
RS232? Returns RS-232 parameters
RS232:BAUd Sets baud rate
RS232:HARDFlagging Sets hard flagging
RS232:PRESET Sets RS232 parameters to default values
RS232:TRANsmit:TERMinator Sets end-of-line terminator
Save and Recall Commands
Save and Recall commands allow you to store and retrieve internal waveforms
and settings. When you “save a setup,” you save the settings of the oscilloscope.
When you then “recall a setup, the oscilloscope restores itself to the state it was
in when you originally saved that setting. Table 2--23 lists these commands.
Table 2- 23: Save and Recall commands
Header Description
RECALL:MASK (TDS3TMT) Loads the specified mask file from the disk or
flash drive to the User mask
RECAll:SETUp Recalls saved instrument settings
RECAll:WAVEform Recalls saved waveform
*RCL Recalls settings
*SAV Saves settings
SAVE:MASK (TDS3TMT) Saves the User mask to a specified file on the
disk or flash drive
SAVe:SETUp Saves instrument settings
SAVe:WAVEform Saves waveform
SAVe:WAVEform:FILEFormat Sets or returns file format for saved waveforms