Installation Instructions

Using the System Options/MEAP Applications
Press [License Access Number].
Enter the license access number four digits at a
Enter four digits of the license access numberpress [OK].
Repeat this step four times to enter a total of 16 digits for the
license access number.
Press [Start].
Select the system options and MEAP applications
press [Install].
[Do Not Start]: Press to only install the MEAP application and
not start the application.
If [Do Not Start] is selected when installing MEAP applications,
you must start the application before using the MEAP
application. (See “Starting the MEAP Applications, on p. 59.)
You can select multiple system options and MEAP applications,
but you cannot select the same product with different version
at the same time.
If the agreement screen is displayed, read the agreement. If
you abide with the agreement, press [Accept].
Check the Installation Result screen.
When the installation of the system options is completed, the
message <Enabled After Restart> appears on the Installation
Result screen. Restart the machine to enable the function.
You can download the manuals for the installed system
options/MEAP applications from your computer by accessing
the URL for the manual download site displayed on the
Installation Result screen. (See “Downloading the Manuals and
Related Software, on p. 60.)