Installation Instructions

Using the System Options/MEAP Applications
If the agreement screen is displayed, read the agreement. If
you abide with the agreement, press [I Accept].
When the Delivery Schedule is set to [Deliver now] and the
Timing to Apply is set to [Auto]
The firmware is applied after the new firmware is
downloaded from the delivery server. When the application
is completed, the machine automatically restarts.
When the Delivery Schedule is set to [Deliver now] and the
Timing to Apply is set to [Manual]
The new firmware is downloaded.
When the Delivery Schedule is set to [Deliver at specified
date and time]
The scheduled delivery is set to the specified date/time.
Applying the Downloaded Firmware
You can apply the downloaded firmware to the machine.
If the Timing to Apply in Delivery Settings is set to [Auto], this
step is not necessary.
From the top page of the Remote UI, click
[Settings/Registration] [License/Others]
[Register/Update Software].
Click [Delivered Update].
Click [Apply Firmware].
Confirm the firmware to apply click [Yes].
The new firmware is applied to the machine. When the
application is completed, the machine automatically restarts.
Deleting the Downloaded Firmware
You can delete the downloaded firmware.
From the top page of the Remote UI, click
[Settings/Registration] [License/Others]
[Register/Update Software].