Installation Instructions

Using the System Options/MEAP Applications
The scheduled delivery is deleted.
Updating by Not
Connecting This Machine
to an Outside Network
This section describes how to update the
firmware without connecting the machine to an
outside network.
Updating Using the Remote
UI (Manual)
You can update the firmware from the Remote UI that is
connected to the machine.
To perform the procedures described in this section, you must
log in to the machine as an administrator. (See “Logging In
Using the Remote UI, on p. 8.)
To perform the procedures described in this section, the data
of the firmware that is distributed separately from the machine
is necessary.
From the top page of the Remote UI, click
[Settings/Registration] [License/Others]
[Register/Update Software].
Click [Manual Update].
Click [Browse] select the firmware to update
click [Next].
Check the contents that will be updated on the
confirmation screen click [Yes].
The new firmware is now applied to the machine.
When the message <The firmware is updated. Restart
the device.> appears, restart the machine.