User`s manual

Log Messages
D001 (info)
Message Download has started.
D002 (info)
Message Download is completed: image=%1audio=%2 [delete:image=%3
%1 No. of downloaded images
%2 No. of downloaded audio files
%3 No. of deleted images
%4 No. of deleted audio files
D003 (warning)
Message Download has aborted.
D010 (err)
Message Not enough memory.
D011 (err)
Message Communication error.
D020 (err)
Message Cannot start because the server is recreating the list of the recorded
D021 (err)
Message Cannot start because the server is deleting the recorded pictures.
D022 (err)
Message No storage device is found on the server.
D023 (err)
Message The server does not support the required function.
Log messages while downloading