Service manual

-12 EOS-based picture-taking modes (Auto, Creative Zone, Image Programmed Control Zone)
The PowerShot G1 provides Creative Zone modes and Image programmed Cntrol Zone modes in addition to Auto. It
enables advanced amateurs and semi-pros to obtain the desired results with their pictures. With Creative Zone modes, you
can set the exposure, shutter speed, etc., manually. And with Image Programmed Control Zone modes, you can select the
mode that best matches the subject.
In the Auto mode, you can change the recording pixels and the JPEG compression rate to better suit your needs.
Table 2-3 Creative Zone modes and Programmed Image Control Zone modes
Description Effcets
Manual User sets both aperture and shutter speed. The user has complete control.
Av User sets the aperture (camera sets the shutter speed). The depth of field can be controlled.
Tv User sets the shutter speed (camera sets the aperture). The subject's motion in the picture can be controlled.
Program Camera sets both aperture and shutter speed. Easy picture-taking with a suitable aperture and shutter speed set.
(User sets almost parameters)
Auto Camera sets all parameters. Prevents the user from making any errors in the camera settings.
(User sets recording pixels and JPEG compression only)
Pan Focus Fixed focal length (wide-end) used for maximum depth of field. Since AF is not executed, the picture can be taken faster.
(Effective at 65 cm [wide-end] to infinity) (At the wide-end only.)
Portrait A larger aperture is used. To obtain better background blur for a portrait.
Landscape A smaller aperture is used. Both the foreground and background are in sharp focus.
Night Scene Backgound exposure is correct A suitable exposure is obtained for a subject in front
since flash with slow sync speed is used. of a sunset or night scene.
B/W The color gain is set to 0. Makes any text information more readable or gives a nostalgic B/W look.
StitchAssist An aid for creating a panoramic photo with a PC. Makes easy and high precision stitch on PhotoStitch.
Movie 320x240 video clips at 15 frames/sec. (max. 30 sec.). Ideal for studying the subject's movement or to record a sequence.
Image Creative
Table 2-1 User interface and AE/AF Control
Exposure Focus
Normal Locks at SW1. Locks at SW1.
Unlocks when SW1 is released. Unlocks when SW1 is released.
Manual Locks at SW1. Locks with MF button.
Focus Unlocks when SW1 is released. Unlocks when MF button is pressed again.
Focus Locks at SW1. Locks at SW1.>>Unlocks when SW1 is released.
Lock Unlocks when SW1 is released. Locks at SW1 and keep to lock at M F button>>
Unlocks when MF button is pressed again.
AE Locks with AE lock button. Locks at SW1.
Lock Unlocks with any operation except SW1. Unlocks when SW1 is released.
FE Locks with FE lock button. Locks at SW1.
Lock Unlocks with any operation except SW1. Unlocks when SW1 is released.
<Focus Lock>
The camera’s auto focus system brings the object into focus, then the focus is locked by pressing the MF button. This
allows the user to release his or her finger from SW1.
<Manual exposure>
The PowerShot G1 provides manual exposure as one of the exposure control modes. Manual exposure enables the user to
set the aperture manually. The user can take pictures as he or she desires, with no automatic exposure adjustments from the
camera. This mode is suitable, for studio photography or taking pictures of fireworks, for example, since exposure control
can be set as the user intends. Also, by using the manual
exposure and the manual focus modes together, you can
greatly reduce the time lag between SW1 and SW2.
<Flash exposure compensation>
If the brightness between the subject and background is
very different and flash is used, underexposure or over
exposure may result. To prevent this, the PowerShot G1
enables you to set flash exposure compensation up to +/-2
stops in 1/3-stop increments.
Table 2-2 Sample correlation between aperture and shutter speed.
(at ISO 100 equivalent)
At EV 10
Aperture (F) 2.8 4.0 5.6 8.0
Shutter speed (S) 1/125 1/60 1/30 1/15