Service manual

6. Operation
6-1 Operating Procedures
<Shooting Operation>
<Basic picture-taking (Auto mode)>
-Set the main dial to “Shooting mode” and set the mode dial to “Auto. ”
-Frame the subject and press the shutter button.
-Using the Optical Viewfinder-
Look through the optical viewfinder, frame the subject, then press the shutter button halfway. The Indicator will light
in green and the beep will sound twice. Then press the shutter button completely to take the picture. The Shutter sound
will sound or beep will soud once. When the camera finishes writing the image to the buffer memory, the Indicator
turns off.
-Using the LCD monitor -
Press the DISPLAY button to turn on the LCD monitor, if it is turned off. After framing the object, press the shutter
button halfway. The image displayed on the LCD monitor will freeze for a moment. The Indicator will then immedi-
ately light in green and the beep will sound twice. Press the shutter button completely to take the pictureand the shutter
sound will sound or beep will sound once. When the picture is taken, the LCD monitor will blackout once and then the
image is displayed again (quick review). When the camera starts writing the image to the CF card, the Indicator turns
off and the LCD monitor resumes a part of viewfinder.
-The quick review displays the image on the LCD monitor for 2 sec. in default mode. The quick review will still display
the image even when LCD monitor is turned off. (keep to display the quick review if the shutter button is pressed
completely and holded). Press the SET button when the quick review is displayed, keep to display the quick review after
the shutter button is released.
<Using Flash>
-Press the FLASH button to toggle the flash mode in the following loop: Auto>>Red-eye reduction Auto>>Red-eye
reduction ON>>ON (fill-flash)>>OFF (flash disabled)>>Auto. Select the desired flash mode.
-When the flash are ready and you press the shutter button halfway, the Indicator lights in orange and the beep sounds
twice. Press the shutter button completely to take the picture.
-Press the Self-timer button to select the Self-timer shooting mode.
-When the shutter button is pressed halfway, the camera operates in the same way as with "Basic picture-taking." When the
shutter button is pressed completely, the self-timer lamp blinks. The blinking rate speeds up after 8 sec. and the picture is
taken 2 sec. later.
<Continuous Shooting (Creative zone/Image zone except for StitchAssist and Movie)>
-Press the Continuous Shooting button to select the continuous shooting mode.
-The camera operation when the shutter button is pressed halfway is the same as with "Basic picture-taking."
-Keep pressing the shutter button completely to shoot continuously. If the beep is set, beep sounds after each shot is taken.
If the LCD monitor is used, a quick review image is displayed after each shot is taken.
-Release the shutter button to stop continuous shooting.
<Wireless control shooting>
-Press the DRIVE button to select the self-timer mode and you can use the wireless controller to take still pictures and
movie and zooming operation.