Operation Manual

Load the media using the 'Trays' view
This section describes how to load the media into a paper tray.
When you load the media via the 'Load' button in the 'Schedule', the paper tray is auto-
matically assigned to the correct media.
When you load and assign the media via the 'Assign' button in the 'Trays' view, you must
assign the paper tray to the loaded media manually.
Make sure you load the media at the right moment as indicated on the operator
When to do
The 'Schedule' displays a red bar next to a required media. The red bar indicates that
a scheduled job now requires a media that is not available in the paper trays.
The 'Schedule' displays an orange bar next to a required media. The orange bar indi-
cates that a scheduled job requires media which is either not available in the paper
trays or which is available, but not in sufficient quantity to finish the job.
The current job requires more of the same media than is currently loaded in the paper
trays. You can add more of the required media into another paper tray.
You already want to load and assign media that are required for the next job (work
Load the media using the 'Trays' view
Press 'Trays'.
Select the tray where you want to load the media.
Load the media as described in one of the following references.
‘Load the media into the integrated paper trays’ on page 237
‘Load the media into the paper module’ on page 245
‘Load the media into the bulk paper modules’ on page 257
Press 'Assign'.
The 'Assign media' window opens with media names. The previous media in the selected
paper tray is highlighted. The list displays all the media in the media catalog. When the
list is empty, the media catalog does not contain media that match the position of the
paper guides.
Select the media you loaded and touch 'OK' to assign the media to the selected tray.
Chapter 6 - Print jobs142
Load the media using the 'Trays' view