Operation Manual

Introduction to the media handling
The machine supports a wide range of media, including tabs and inserts. The supported
media sizes range from 203 mm x 203 mm (minimum) to 305 mm x 457 mm (maximum).
The supported media weights range from 33 - 202 lb bond for media that are recommend-
ed by the manufacturer, and 40 - 135 lb bond for other media.
This section describes the following:
Media handling in general
The 'Media catalog'
Temporary media.
General introduction to the media handling
All the print jobs require media that you can assign to the paper trays via the operator
panel. The print jobs can require media that are included in the 'Media catalog'. However,
the print jobs can also require media that are not included in the 'Media catalog'. These
media become temporary media on the system.
What is the media catalog
The media catalogue is a list of predefined media and media attributes which you can
define in the Settings Editor application on the PRISMAsync controller.
When you use the media catalog, the operator panel, the printer drivers and other appli-
cations all display the same list of predefined media. The operator panel and the printer
driver automatically retrieve and display the latest version of the media catalog.
What are temporary media
You can also use many other media that are not included in the 'Media catalog'. These
media become temporary media. You can look up the currently used temporary media
in the 'Media' section of the 'System' view. Furthermore, you can assign the temporary
media to a paper tray.
The temporary media remain available on the system until:
No more waiting jobs need this media type
No more scheduled jobs need this media type
No more printed jobs need this media type
This media type is no longer available in the paper trays.
Chapter 6 - Print jobs146
Introduction to the media handling