Operation Manual

Add temporary media to the 'Media catalog'
When a job is submitted that requires media that are not included in the 'Media catalog',
these media become temporary media. The operator panel displays the temporary media
in the following places.
In the list of 'Required media' in the 'Schedule' view, when the job is scheduled for
In the list of 'Temporary media' in the 'Media' tab of the 'System' view.
When you plan to use a temporary media more often, you can add the media to the
'Media catalog'.
This section describes how to add temporary media to the 'Media catalog'.
Add temporary media to the 'Media catalog'
On the operator panel, press the 'System' button.
Press 'Media'.
The names of the temporary media are displayed in the 'Temporary media' section.
Select the media you want to add to the 'Media catalog'.
Press 'To catalog'.
The media is added to the 'Media catalog'.
If required, you can edit the attributes of the media in the 'Media catalog' that is
part of the Settings Editor.
The temporary media uses the color settings and calibration values of the default
media family.
Chapter 6 - Print jobs148
Add temporary media to the 'Media catalog'