Operation Manual

DescriptionMain actions
When you touch 'Split' after selecting a bundled job, the
job is split into the original, separate jobs. The bundled job
is removed. The separate jobs are added to the bottom of
the list of 'Waiting jobs'. You can use the 'Split' function
to correct mismatched settings, for example.
The 'Properties' window gives access to a pane where you
can do the following.
Change a number of job settings.
Change the order of the jobs in the bundle.
Change job settings
Delete print jobs.'Delete'
Print a job ticket.'Ticket'
Make a proof.'Proof'
How to combine print jobs
Touch 'Jobs' -> 'Waiting jobs'.
Touch the jobs you want to combine.
If all jobs you want to combine have the same label, you can also touch 'Select' ->
'Jobs with label' to select all the required jobs at once.
Press 'Bundle'.
The operator panel displays an overview of the bundled job.
If necessary, use the Up and Down keys to change the job order.
Press 'OK'.
Delete print jobs, on page 128
Print a job ticket, on page 124
Make a proof, on page 125
Chapter 6 - Print jobs158
Combine jobs