Operation Manual

'File' settings - 'Resolution'
Select a value from the list, from 150 dpi (lowest res-
olution) to 600 dpi (highest resolution).
To give you an indication of what value to choose:
Select 150 dpi when you want to generate a very
small file.
Select 300 dpi when you want to view or archive
the generated file.
Select 600 dpi when you want to print or edit the
generated file.
'600 dpi'
'File' settings - 'Size'
Select the media size of the resulting file.All media
sizes that the
media cata-
log supports
'File' settings - 'Zoom'
When 'Fit to page' is 'On', the image is resized so it
fits onto the page.
When 'Fit to page' is 'Off', the original size of the
image is maintained.
'Fit to page''Zoom'
Use the + and - buttons to reduce or enlarge the size
of the image (from 25% to 400%). The preview pane
immediately shows the results of your action.
Chapter 8 - Scan jobs222
Description of the scan job settings