Operation Manual

'Bottom cen-
'Bottom center' moves the image to the centre of the
bottom side of the sheet.
'Bottom right' moves the image to the lower right
corner of the sheet.
'File' settings - 'Margin erase'
Use this setting to increase or decrease the margin. By
default, the values of the front side and the back side
are interlocked. This means that the values for the
front side and the back side remain identical.
Widening the margin can be useful if you want to
staple or punch the output, for example. Narrowing
the margin can be useful if you do not need additional
space for stapling or punching the output, for example.
If you want to define a different value for each side,
press . The icon changes to the unlocked status. Now
you can define the values for the front side and the
back side separately.
Use this setting to shift the image horizontally or ver-
tically. By default, the values of the front side and the
back side are interlocked. This means that the values
for the front side and the back side remain identical.
If you want to define a different value for each side,
press . The icon changes to the unlocked status. Now
you can define the values for the front side and the
back side separately.
'Image shift'
Chapter 8 - Scan jobs224
Description of the scan job settings