Operation Manual

Introduction to hotfolders
Technically, a hotfolder is a mapped network drive on a workstation that is linked to a
shared folder on the PRISMAsync controller.
For an operator, a hotfolder is a folder on a workstation where printable files can be
dropped for printing.
Hotfolders are primarily aimed at recurring PDF workflows. In these workflows identical
PDFs, or other printable files, with identical settings are printed on a regular basis. Hot-
folders should not be used in combination with print job tickets.
The job settings for hotfolders
The settings of a hotfolder can be defined by:
a hotfolder default ticket in the hotfolder itself, or
the automated workflow to which the hotfolder is linked.
It is advisable to use the hotfolder functionality in combination with the hotfolder default
However, if you want to use the settings of the automated workflow where the hotfolder
is linked to, it is advised not to place a hotfolder default ticket in the hotfolder, to prevent
mixing up settings. Furthermore, you must make sure that the 'Overrule the job ticket'
setting in that automated workflow is enabled (tick the checkbox).
Before you can use a hotfolder
To be able to use the hotfolder function, the following steps must be carried out first:
In the Settings Editor, the system administrator must activate the hotfolder function.
In the Settings Editor, the system administrator must create a hotfolder and link the
hotfolder to an automated workflow.
On a workstation, the key operator must create a shared network drive that is linked
to the hotfolder.
On the desktop of that workstation, the key operator can create a shortcut to the
hotfolder, if desired.
Chapter 10 - Adapt printer settings to your needs 337
Introduction to hotfolders