Product manual

Code Brand Descri
tion Information
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Price Inc
The Kestrel 2000 relies upon a precision ultralight
impeller mounted on jewel bearings to measure
wind speed.
It provides excellent accuracy (± 3%) and the ability
to measure the slightest breeze (0.3 M/S).
It is protected be a reinforced fiberglass housing
and can be replaced easily and affordably should it
become damaged or worn.
For temperature readings, the Kestrel uses a fast-
responding thermistor accurate to +/-1 °C.
Wind chill is calculated from wind and temperature
data using the U.S. National Weather Service's
official tables.
The Kestrel 2000 is waterproof and floats and
comes with a convenient neck lanyard.
The battery is easy to replace and provides 400
hours of use.
The protective case prevents damage to the unit.
Performance is guaranteed for one full year.
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