[Windows] Generic Plus UFR II Printer Driver User's Guide (V1.02)

Superimposes and prints semi-transparent characters such as [TOP SECRET] or [DRAFT] over print data.
[Edit Watermark] > [Edit Watermark] Dialog Box
Enables you to create and add a new watermark.
[Watermark List]
Displays registered watermarks as a list. When selecting a watermark, a preview is displayed to the left.
Adds a new watermark to [Watermark List] as [Untitled]. You can set the name of the watermark in [Name]
and its settings in the [Attributes], [Alignment], and [Print Style] sheets.
Deletes the selected watermark.
Displays the name of the watermark selected in [Watermark List]. When adding a new watermark, enter the
name of the watermark.
[Attributes] Sheet
Species the settings relating to the text in a watermark.
[Alignment] Sheet
[Position] species the position of the watermark as coordinates relative to the center (0) of the document. [Tilt]
sets the angle of the watermark.
[Print Style] Sheet
[Watermark Border] sets whether a frame is printed around the text. [Watermark Position] sets the overlap
position with respect to the print data. When printing the watermark on only the rst page, select [Print on First
Page Only].
[Custom Paper Size] > [Custom Paper Size Settings] Dialog Box
Enables you to register a desired paper size and use it for printing. Papers with a red dot (
) next to them are
standard paper sizes and cannot be edited or deleted.
[Page Options] > [Page Options] Dialog Box
Species layout options such as borders, date, page numbers, etc. and overlay printing settings.
[Format Settings] > [Format Settings] Dialog Box
Enables you to congure font settings when printing the date, user name, and/or page numbers.
[Restore Defaults]
Returns all the settings to their default values.
Related Topics
Common Settings for All Sheets(P. 91)
Scaling(P. 20)
Watermark Printing(P. 21)
Poster Printing(P. 22)
Printing Over a Fixed Form(P. 26)
Settings List