Printing Guide

Bar Code Usages and Formats
Bar Code Symbols and Formats
Danish Postal 39 Bar Code (Denmark Only)
This is a special 3 of 9 bar code that is used on parcel labels for shipment throughout the
postal service in Denmark. The Danish Postal 39 bar code contains 10 digits, a special
checksum, and ends with "DK."
French Postal 39 Bar Code (France Only)
This is a special 3 of 9 bar code that is used on registered letter forms ("Recommandés") in
France. The French Postal 39 bar code starts with "RA" or "RB," then it contains eight digits,
a special checksum, and ends with "FR."
Extended 39
The Extended 39 bar code is based on the standard 3 of 9 bar code, however, it encodes all
of the ASCII characters by generating two characters for each character in the string to
encode. The Extended 39 bar code supports all ASCII codes from 0 to 126, and the bar code
pattern is quite large.
Interleaved 2 of 5
Also called, "25 Interleaved." The Interleaved 2 of 5 bar code contains numeric data only, and
requires an even number of digits in the string to be encoded. The number of digits can be
from 2 to 30.
Industrial and Matrix 2 of 5
The Industrial and Matrix 2 of 5 bar codes contain numeric data only, and can have from 1 to
30 digits.