Technical information

2000 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 ColorPASS-Z40e/Z20e REV.0 AUG. 2000
2.3 General ColorPASS system error conditions
When you startup the ColorPASS or when you install system software, you may encoun-
ter error conditions that are not reported during the startup diagnostics. T05-203-01 lists
some of these error conditions and suggests corrective action.
When you first encounter any of these error conditions, power off the ColorPASS and in-
spect the inside of the tray for an obviously loose board or cable. Then check other compo-
nents as suggested below. For service, see “Accessing ColorPASS internal components” on
page 4-4. When you are finished, see “Restoring ColorPASS functionality after service” on
page 4-10.
T05-203-01 General ColorPASS system error conditions
No fan sound and
ColorPASS does not
start up.
No fan sound, but the
ColorPASS starts up
Buttons do not work on
the Control Panel.
Probable cause
Power supply cable
connections are faulty
or disconnected.
Power supply has
Problem with the back
panel fans.
Connection to the front
panel is faulty.
Connection to the UIB
board is faulty or the
UIB board has failed.
Faulty Operation Panel
Suggested action
Check power supply cable connections to the
motherboard, CPU fan and HDD.
Check all cable connections and board con-
• Replace the power supply.
Check the back panel fan cable connection to
motherboard connector CFAN.
If the problem persists, replace the back panel
Check the UIB cable connections to the top
panel and UIB board.
Check the connection between the
motherboard and UIB board.
Check the connection between the UIB cable
and the top panel.
If the problem persists, replace the UIB board
Replace the top panel.