Technical information

2000 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 ColorPASS-Z40e/Z20e REV.0 AUG. 2000
3 Shutting Down and Restarting the ColorPASS
The ColorPASS will generally be left on all the time at the customer site. Remember that
when the ColorPASS is powered off, network access to the copier is interrupted.
You should power off the ColorPASS when you need to service it or the copier, and be-
fore you remove or attach any cables to the ColorPASS. Also power off when changing the
copier’s toner to prevent drawing toner into the ColorPASS.
3.1 To Shut Down the ColorPASS
1. Make sure that the ColorPASS Info screen reads Idle.
When Printing or Ripping appears on the Control Panel the ColorPASS is currently pro-
cessing. Idle appears in the Info screen when the ColorPASS is finished processing the
2. At the Idle screen, press the menu button once to display the Functions menu.
3. Select Shut Down from the Functions menu. At the next screen, select Shut Down Sys-
The message It is now safe to power off the system.... is displayed.
4. Power off the ColorPASS using the power switch on the side panel (press 0).
3.2 To Restart the ColorPASS
1. If the ColorPASS is already on, ensure that it is not receiving, processing, or printing a
When Printing or Ripping appears on the ColorPASS Control Panel, the ColorPASS is
currently processing a print job. Wait until the job is complete and Idle appears in the
Info screen.
2. Press the menu button once, then select Shut Down from the Functions menu and select
Reboot System.
Print Pages
Suspend Printing
Resume Printing
Shut Down
Clear Server
Run Setup
Run Diagnostics
Use the line selection
button to the right to
select Shut Down.