Product specifications

DC10 E, DC20 E
4-2 Commands Particular to Camera
(1) The commands particular to camera are provided for checking the operation.
(2) Make preparation according to the table below and carry out the desired commands particular to camera.
(3) To restore any setting back to the original status, press the PAUSE key (STORE) for each item again in the “ST” mode.
Turning the power OFF/ON resets all the settings.
STEP PROCEDURE Microcomputer operation
WB SET 1) Make setting shown at right. 2 08 3300 ST --
2) Perform storing.
RD -- WB is set .
(Press the PAUSE button.)
WB 1) Make setting shown at right. 2 08 3301 ST --
LOCK 2) Perform storing.
RD -- WB is locked.
(Press the PAUSE button.)
WB 1) Make setting shown at right. 2 08 3302 ST --
TURBO 2) Perform storing.
RD -- WB high-speed setting mode
(Press the PAUSE button.)
WB 1) Make setting shown at right. 2 08 3303 ST --
OUTDOOR 2) Perform storing.
RD -- WB outdoor mode
(Press the PAUSE button.)
WB 1) Make setting shown at right. 2 08 3304 ST --
INDOOR 2) Perform storing.
RD -- WB indoor mode
(Press the PAUSE button.)
IRIS 1) Make setting shown at right. 2 08 3305 ST --
OPEN 2) Perform storing.
RD -- The iris is opened forcibly.
(Press the PAUSE button.)
IRIS 1) Make setting shown at right. 2 08 3306 ST --
CLOSE 2) Perform storing.
RD -- The iris is closed forcibly.
(Press the PAUSE button.)
AGC 1) Make setting shown at right. 2 08 3309 ST --
MAX 2) Perform storing.
RD -- A value of AGC gain is maximized.
(Press the PAUSE button.)
AGC 1) Make setting shown at right. 2 08 330A ST --
MIN 2) Perform storing.
RD -- A value of AGC gain is minimized.
(Press the PAUSE button.)
COLOR 1) Make setting shown at right. 2 08 330B ST --
BAR 2) Perform storing.
RD -- Outputs color bar from DIGIC DV.
(Press the PAUSE button.)
White 1) Make setting shown at right. 2 08 330C ST --
100% 2) Perform storing.
RD -- Outputs white 100% from DIGIC DV.
(Press the PAUSE button.)
White 1) Make setting shown at right. 2 08 330D ST --
50% 2) Perform storing.
RD -- Outputs white 50% from DIGIC DV.
(Press the PAUSE button.)
BLACK & 1) Make setting shown at right. 2 08 330F ST -- Outputs white & black chart
WHITE 2) Perform storing.
RD -- from DIGIC DV.
(Press the PAUSE button.)
GRAY 1) Make setting shown at right. 2 08 3310 ST --
SCALE 2) Perform storing.
RD -- Outputs gray scale from DIGIC DV.
(Press the PAUSE button.)
WHITE 1) Make setting shown at right. 2 08 331F ST -- Force the white LED to light.
LED ON 2) Perform storing.
RD --
(Press the PAUSE button.)