User manual

Working with Images in File Viewer Utility
Saving Images
Specify the desired settings and click the [OK] button.
\ The images are saved as an index in the selected folder.
Save File dialog box
1 The converted image is saved in the same folder as the displayed image. You cannot
select this option for images that are saved on a CF card in the camera. This option is only
available for images saved on your computer or on a CF card in a card reader.
2 Use this button when you want to specify the folder in which the image will be saved.
3 When the [Save in following specified folder] radio button is selected, this button specifies
the folder in which the image will be saved.
4 Shows the folder in which the image will be saved.
5 This is text inserted before the file number for sorting. You can enter up to 12 characters.
When you enter text, an example of the file name appears in the [Example] field below the
text box.
6 You can specify up to 9 digits for the file number.
7 Specifies the first file number.
A range of operations is also available by selecting the image, pressing the <control>
key + mouse button and selecting an option from the menu that appears.