User manual

Working with Images in File Viewer Utility
Specifying the Preferences
RAW Image Processing settings tab sheet
You can specify the settings shown below in the [RAW Image Processing
settings] tab sheet.
The settings described here are those shown when [EOS 10D] is selected in the [Model
Name] list box.
4 Select [EOS 10D].
* When images shot on a Canon camera are saved in the selected folder or on a CF card
in the connected camera, the camera model is automatically added to the list of camera
5 You should select this option when you want to perform linear processing on an image.
Because linear processing is performed on the tone curve adjustments automatically
made by the camera, the image degradation that normally accompanies tone curve
adjustment is minimized. Select this option when you want to use your own retouching
software to make fine adjustments to the saturation.
6 Clicking this checkbox neutralizes false colors.
7 When you click this checkbox, a 16% reduced image is shown in the Preview mode.
8 Select [8 bits per color channel] or [16 bits per color channel] as the bit rate.
The buttons listed below are displayed in each of the tab sheets. They
function in the same way in each sheet.
9 Restores the default settings for all the parameters in the currently displayed tab sheet.
10 Cancels all the settings, restores the parameters to their original values and ends the
11 Applies the specified parameters, closes the [Preferences] dialog box and ends the
When you select any other camera in the [Model Name] list box, the available settings
for the respective camera model are displayed.