User manual

Protecting Images
You can protect important images to prevent them from being accidentally erased.
Click the [Protect] button.
When multiple images are selected, all the selected images are protected.
The [ ] is automatically displayed for images that were protected on the camera.
Protection only prevents images from being erased. Other types of image
processing can still be performed for protected images.
A range of operations is also available by selecting the image, pressing the right
mouse button and selecting an option from the menu that appears.
\ The image is protected and the [ ] icon appears in the information display frame
for the image.
Clicking the [Remove protect]
button unprotects the image and
clears the [ ] icon from the
information display frame for the
Selecting Images by Condition
This feature allows you to select multiple images in a single operation using conditions.
Click the [Select Image] button and select the condition from the
menu that appears.
\ Only images that meet the
condition are selected.
Working with Selected Images