User manual

Working with Images in File Viewer Utility
Processing RAW Images
RAW images are processed so that they are optimized for their intended use. As well as using
the same white balance and sharpness settings as those set on the camera, File Viewer Utility
allows you to specify additional processing parameters such as digital exposure compensation
and white balance adjustment using the Click White Balance function.
This processing does not involve working with the original RAW images. It applies virtual
parameters to RAW images temporarily downloaded to the computer. Accordingly, you can
redo the processing repeatedly with different parameters.
You can also change the modified parameters back to the settings used when the shot was
Process the RAW image.
Select [EOS 10D] from the [Model-specific processing mode] list box. (W-20)
Select the RAW image to be processed. (W-19)
It is recommended that you use the Preview mode to check the processed image.
Change the parameter settings.
Change parameter settings as desired. See the pages that follow for information on
how to set the parameters.
\ The image is reprocessed using the modified parameters and the result is shown.
Save or transfer the image in a commonly used format.
You can save images as JPEG or TIFF files (W-34) by clicking the [Save File]
button and selecting [Convert and save in file] from the menu that appears. You can
also extract and save the JPEG image contained in the RAW image by selecting
[Extract Save JPEG] (W-36) and you can save multiple images as an index by
selecting [Save Index] (W-38).
Clicking the [Transfer Images] button transfers the image to the retouching software
that you have set. (W-41) You can specify the color bit depth when the image is
transferred in the [RAW Image Processing settings] tab sheet in the [Preferences]
dialog box (W-43).
When multiple images are selected, the specified processing is applied to all the RAW
images selected.