User manual

Troubleshooting and Uninstallation
Is the driver operating normally?
Connect the camera to your computer
with the interface cable and set the
camera’s main switch to <ON> (W-10)
and open the [Device Manager] (W-80).
Click the plus symbol [+] to the left of
[Imaging devices] and check that [EOS
10D] is displayed.
If [EOS 10D] does not appear, the driver is not operating normally. Briefly disconnect and
then reconnect the interface cable, ensuring that the connection is secure. If [EOS 10D]
still does not appear, use the following procedure to re-install the driver.
1 Disconnect the interface cable and uninstall the driver. (W-82)
2 Re-install the driver. (W-4)
When the [X], [!] or [?] symbol is displayed beside [EOS 10D], part of the driver is
missing or corrupted. Use the following procedure to re-install the driver.
1 Delete [EOS 10D] displayed in [Imaging devices].
2 Disconnect the interface cable and uninstall the driver. (W-82)
3 Re-install the driver. (W-4)