Owner's Manual

Number, mode and
default display
14 Double Feed Action Sets the action that occurs when double feed is detected for a
Host Stop Buzzer
Host/Buzzer: The buzzer sounds, but feeding continues. An error is
displayed when feeding is completed.
Stop: The buzzer sounds, feeding stops, and an error is dis-
15 Setting the sensitivity of Sets the degree of sensitivity for the double feed detector.
Sens. Host Low sensitivity
Normal Sens High sensitivity
High sensitivity: Select if you experience double feeds that jam the
scanner and the buzzer does not sound.
Low sensitivity: Select if the buzzer sounds when no double feed oc-
16 Feed speed Sets the scanning speed.
16.Feed Speed
Hos t
Host Slow Normal Fast
17 Detect skew Determines whether the scanner detects skewed document feed
when pages feed into the ADF at an angle.
Detect Not detect
Detect: Skewed feed is detected and paper feed is stopped.
Not detect: Skewed feed is not detected.
18 Save scanning conditions Selects the memory bank to which scanning conditions 01 to 17
are saved.
Memory 1 Memory 2
18 Save scanning settings Pressing
keys simultaneously saves scanning conditions 01
to 17 in the memory selected for Save Scanning Settings
(Select Memory).
Completed displayed after saving.
Setting up the scanner
14.Doub l
Ac t i o
n Buzzer
e Feed
double feed detection
15.Doub l e Feed
Sens. Host
17.Detect Skew
18.Save Set t ing
(memory selection)
18.Save Set t ing
Memo r y 1