
Canon’s New DZ-3600U: Breakthrough Technology
That ‘Communicates The Details’ With Higher
Resolution And Faster Speed Than Ever Before.
What’s under President Grant’s beard on a $50 bill?
The DZ-3600U can display the detailed answer quickly and even
save your image for transmission across your computer network.
• High Resolution Digital Imaging, 1900 pixels x 1424 pixels,
for outstanding picture clarity and detail.
Full 81/2“ x 11“ Document Capture, (legible to 8 pt. type)
and detailed images, even from 3-D objects, that are virtually
invisible to the eye.
• High Speed image capture which allows users to quickly
display images and integrate them into prepared
presentations, including PowerPoint.
• All The Features of Canon’s industry-standard RE-350
Video Visualizer including: an oversized, unobstructed,
backlit base; analog video output (Composite/S video);
12X power zoom; Focus-Follow Zoom logic technology;
auto white balance; pos/neg image conversion;
RS-232 control port; Infra-Red remote and more.
• A Universal Serial Bus (USB), for instant ‘plug and play’
with any USB compatible PC.
Arrange For A No-Obligation Demo Today.
Arrange For A No-Obligation Demo Today.