
High-Speed Response
The high-speed microcomputers in EOS SLRs
use advanced algorithms that ensure the fastest,
most accurate AF performance under the widest
variety of conditions. The One-Shot AF mode is
ideal for more static subjects. The camera rapidly
selects the optimum focusing point from among
the 45, and the subject is instantly brought into
focus even if it is off-center. The AI Servo AF mode
is excellent for moving subjects. Aided by a highly
“intelligent” predictive focusing algorithm, it
precisely tracks subject movement across the
wide 45-point AF area, automatically shifting the
active focusing point as required. Even with erratic
or rapid subject movement, the photographer can
shoot continuously, concentrating solely on image
composition. Some EOS SLRs additionally provide
the AI Focus AF mode, which automatically switches
between One Shot and AI-Servo AF modes based
on subject movement—ideal for shooting stop-
and-go subjects.
Unparalleled Exposure Control
Canon EOS SLRs incorporate uniquely advanced
exposure control systems, offering the photographer
exceptionally precise AE (auto exposure) with the
widest range of metering options. You can choose
full-frame Evaluative Metering, where the EOS SLR’s
proven 21-zone or 35-zone sensor is used in
conjunction with focusing point data. The onboard
microcomputer compares input from all zones
and calculates optimum exposure using a sophis-
ticated program. While Evaluative Metering assures
excellent results in even the most challenging
lighting situations, advanced
photographers can choose from
among several additional metering
options. Center-weighted metering
is available for those who prefer
a more traditional pattern. Partial
metering limits readings to sensor
zones in the center of the image
area, giving the photographer more
area-specific control. Spot readings can be taken at
the center of the frame area or linked to the AF point.
You can even take up to eight separate spot meter
readings with high-end EOS cameras, and have the
system average the light readings for you. Flash
photography with EOS SLR systems also benefits
from Canon’s extraordinary exposure control tech-
nology. E-TTL (Evaluative Through-The-Lens) and
E-TTL II autoflash systems work in combination
with the camera’s 21- or 35-zone metering sensor
to take the guesswork out of flash photography.
The camera performs instantaneous calculations
based on readings from the preflash, ambient
lighting conditions, and assessment of subject
location to determine the optimum flash output
and exposure settings. With E-TTL II, the calcula-
tions additionally incorporate distance information
from compatible EF lenses, enabling the system
to better handle dark, light and highly-reflective
subjects. Your photographs will have the perfect
balance between ambient light and flash illumi-
nation, even in complicated lighting situations
and compositions.
Exclusive Eye Controlled Focus
Featured on the EOS-3 and EOS Elan 7NE SLRs,
Canon’s exclusive Eye Controlled Focus adds an
extra dimension to the photographer-camera
interface. When activated, Eye Controlled Focus
enables the camera to respond to your eye move-
ment, automatically selecting the best AF point
based on where in the frame you are looking.
Flexible Shooting Modes
Most EOS models with the Mode
Dial let photographers select
from a variety of preprogrammed
shooting modes, making it easy for even novice
shooters to get professional-looking results.
When you want the camera to make all the deci-
sions for you, choose one of the Image Zone
shooting modes. For greater control over camera
settings, including full manual operation, select
from the Creative Zone.
Designed for
Maximum Durability
and Performance
Hold a Canon EOS SLR in
your hands. The look and feel
of quality and reliability are
the results of decades of camera-making experience
and these translate to real-world performance and
durability second to none. The newest EOS-1 class
professional SLRs, for example, feature bodies made
of coated cast magnesium alloy, which, while light
in weight, deliver outstanding strength, rigidity,
and electromagnetic shielding. The body is,
furthermore, extensively gasketed and sealed,
making the cameras exceptionally water- and
dust-resistant. These are truly cameras built to take
on the world’s harshest shooting conditions.
The history of Canon EOS SLR cameras is replete with examples of technological
innovations that have set new industry standards for performance and usability. And
yet, at Canon, technology is never an end in itself. Every technological advance must
yield tangible benefits to the user. Does a new feature enable the camera to more quickly
and faithfully respond to the photographer’s will? Does a new material or process
improve the camera’s long-term reliability? Canon EOS advancements endure (and
are often imitated) because they enhance the photo-
graphic experience, whether you are a seasoned
professional or new to SLR shooting. Put simply,
Canon EOS SLR technologies are impressive
because of the quality of the images
they enable you to create.
45-point Area AF — Canon’s unique 45-point High-Density
Area AF not only delivers much greater freedom of composition
but also provides improved subject tracking—a photographer’s
10 fps — This highly responsive AF technology contributes
to the rapid continuous shooting capability of EOS SLRs—
a maximum of 10 fps (frames per second) with the EOS-1v
equipped with Power Drive Booster.
©Jeff Schewe
21-zone Metering System — Canon’s sophisticated 21-zone
evaluative metering system considers not only the active
focusing point but also a range of metered values from adjacent
areas to determine correct exposure even in difficult lighting.
Primary Metering Zone Secondary Metering Zone
Meter-weighted on extreme-left focusing point.
Meter-weighted on extreme-right focusing point.
Meter-weighted on center focusing point.
Other Metering Zone
Autofocus Technology
An autofocus system with multiple focusing points
is preferable to one with a single central point,but
for a multi-point AF system to be truly useful, it
must be sophisticated enough to select the correct
focusing point for any given image. Canon EOS
SLRs have consistently featured leading-edge AF
technologies. Today, the top EOS SLRs use an
extraordinary 45-point high-density Area AF system
that provides not only the industry’s largest AF
coverage area but also the greatest range of control
over focusing point selection. Focusing point can
be selected automatically by the camera (based
on high-speed microcomputer analysis of image
content) or manually by the user. Select models
also offer an eye-controlled option. Canon EOS
autofocus is fast, reliable, and versatile.