Operation Manual

Custom Picture Settings
[Level Depend Slope] 0 (no slope), 1 (steep slope) to 3 (gradual slope) (0)
Determines the slope of the area between the upper and lower parts of the gamma curve.
[Level Depend Offset] 0 to 50 (0)
Adjusts the sharpness level of dark areas in the image. Setting higher values will lower the sharpness
[Noise Reduction] –1 (noise reduction not applied), [Off], 1 (lowest level) to 12 (highest level)
Reduces the amount of noise that appears in the image.
Even when this setting is set to [Off], a very low level of NR filter is applied. Select [–1] to
completely turn off the NR filter.
[Skin Detail]
[Effect Level] [High], [Middle], [Low], [Off]
[Hue] –16 to 16 (±0)
[Chroma], [Area], [Y Level] 0 to 31 (16)
The camera applies a softening filter to areas in the picture with skin tones to give a more pleasant
appearance. By changing these settings, you can determine what areas will be detected as skin
tones. A zebra pattern will appear on the monitoring screen over areas of the image that are detected
as having skin tones.
[Effect Level]: Adjusts the level of the filter.
[Hue]: Adjusts the hue for detection of skin tones.
[Chroma]: Adjusts the color saturation for detection of skin tones.
[Area]: Adjusts the color range for detection of skin tones.
[Y Level]: Adjusts the brightness for detection of skin tones.
[Selective NR]
[Effect Level] [High], [Middle], [Low], [Off]
[Hue] 0 to 31 (0)
[Chroma], [Area],
[Y Level]
0 to 31 (16)
The camera detects the characteristics of a certain color or tone and applies a noise reduction filter
to the targeted areas. A zebra pattern will appear on the monitoring screen over areas targeted for
noise reduction.
[Effect Level]: Adjusts the level of the noise reduction filter.
[Hue]: Adjusts the hue for the color to be detected.
[Chroma]: Adjusts the color saturation for the color to be detected.
[Area]: Adjusts the color range for the color to be detected.
[Y Level]: Adjusts the brightness for the color to be detected.
[Color Matrix Tuning]
[Gain] –50 to 50 (±0)
[Phase] –18 to 18 (±0)
These settings adjust the color intensity ([Gain]) and color phase ([Phase]) of the color matrix,
affecting the color tones of the whole image.
[R-G], [R-B], [G-R], [G-B],
[B-R], [B-G]
–50 to 50 (±0)
Each matrix changes the tint of the picture along the color gradations detailed below, affecting the
color tones of the whole image.
[R-G]: cyan/green and red/magenta; [R-B]: cyan/blue and red/yellow;
[G-R]: magenta/red and green/cyan; [G-B]: magenta/blue and green/yellow;
[B-R]: yellow/red and blue/cyan; [B-G]: yellow/green and blue/magenta.
[White Balance]
[R Gain], [B Gain] –50 to 50 (±0)
These settings adjust the amount of white balance throughout the whole image by changing the
intensity of red tones ([R gain]) and blue tones ([B Gain]).
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