Operation Manual

Setup Screens and Menu Options
TC (time code) screen
[F. ASSIST.] Focus adjustment with the SELECT dial.
(face detection)
[On], [Off]
Turn the face detection function on/off (A 96).
[MAGN.] (magnification) [On], [Off]
Turn the magnification function on/off (A 92).
[PEAKING] [On], [Off]
Turn the peaking function on/off (A 91).
(focus guide)
[On], [Off]
Turn the focus guide on/off (A 90).
(move the frame)
], [
], [
], [
], [CENTER] (return the focus frame to the center)
Move the focus frame (A 95).
[OPTIONS] [Face AF], [Focus Guide], [Peaking], [Magnification]
See [Focus] > [Face AF] in the table for the [Camera Setup] (
) menu (A 190), or the
corresponding settings in the table for the [Assist. Functions] (
) menu (A 196).
[AUDIO] Audio source, audio level adjustment mode (A or M), and audio level meter for audio
channels CH1 to CH4
[CH1/2 IN], [CH3/4 IN]
(audio input selection)
[INPUT Terminals], [MIC Terminal], [Monaural Mic]
[REC LEVEL] [CH1] to [CH4], [CH1/CH2], [CH3/CH4], [OPTIONS]
For each channel/pair of channels: [A M] (automatic/manual audio level)
When set to [M]: Manual audio recording level: 0 to 100 (50)
(A 111)
[MONITOR] [CH1/CH2], [CH1/CH1], [CH2/CH2], [CH1+2/CH1+2], [CH3/CH4], [CH3/CH3], [CH4/CH4],
[CH3+4/CH3+4], [CH1+3/CH2+4]
(A 160)
] (headphone volume) 0 to 15 (8) (A 113)
[OPTIONS] [Audio Input], [Audio Output]
See the corresponding settings in the table for the [Audio Setup] (
) menu (A 192).
(camera’s electronic level)
[Tilt] (degree of rotation degree of rotation of the optical axis up and down), [Roll] (degree
of rotation sideways along the optical axis), [SET] (set the camera’s current position as
(A 40)
[NETWORK] [Browser Remote], [IP Streaming], [FTP Transfer]
[Browser Remote] Current connection settings, [ACTIVATE]: [On] or [Off], [OPTIONS] (A 170)
[IP Streaming] Current connection settings, [ACTIVATE]: [On] or [Off], [OPTIONS] (A 182)
[FTP Transfer] After switching to playback mode: Clip selection screen, [OPTIONS] (A 185)
See the corresponding settings under [Network Settings] in the table for the [System Setup] (
menu (A 197).
Screen button commands Setting options and additional information
[SET TC] [<], [>] (change selected field), [RESET], [OK] (confirm changes) (A 101)
[UB] (user bit) Current user bit of the camera (A 104)
[SET UB] [<], [>] (change selected field), [RESET], [OK] (confirm changes)
[OPTIONS] [Recording Mode], [Type]
See the corresponding settings under [User Bit] in the table for the [System Setup] (
) menu
(A 197).
Screen button commands Setting options and additional information