Operation Manual

Gamma Curve and Main Color Settings
1 Open the custom picture file’s selection screen.
HOME screen: [COLOR] > [CP OTHERS] > [File] > [Select]
Monitoring menu: [Custom Picture] (
) > [File] > [Select]
2 Turn the SELECT dial to select the desired file and then press [OK] (HOME screen) or press SET
(monitoring menu).
Select one of the custom picture files saved in the camera (C1 to C20). To use the settings of a custom
picture file saved on an SD card, copy the file to the camera in advance (A 133).
3 Open the [Preset] submenu.
HOME screen: [COLOR] > [CP MAIN] > [Preset]
Monitoring menu: Press the BACK button to return to the [Custom Picture] submenu and then select [Preset].
4 Select the desired setting and then press SET.
To select the gamma curve, color space or color matrix individually, select [Off] and continue the procedure
with step 5. To use one of the preset settings as is, the rest of the procedure is not necessary.
5 Open the [Gamma] submenu.
HOME screen: From the same submenu select [Gamma].
Monitoring menu: From the same submenu select [Main Settings] and then select [Gamma].
6 Select the desired gamma curve (A 134) and then press SET.
Repeat steps 5 and 6, selecting [Color Space] to select the color space, and/or [Color Matrix] to select the
color matrix in the same way.