EOS C700, EOS C700 PL, EOS C700 GS PL, EOS C700 FF, EOS C700 FF PL Instruction Manual

Custom Picture Settings
Other Settings
[Color Matrix] [Neutral], [Production Camera], [Cinema EOS Original], [Video], [Off]
The color matrix affects the overall color tonality of the image.
[Neutral]: Reproduces neutral colors.
[Production Camera]: Reproduces colors more suitable for motion picture production.
[Cinema EOS Original]: Color matrix developed by Canon, designed to reproduce the 4K output of an
EOS C500 camera using the BT.709 color space.
[Video]: Reproduces the colors of an EOS C300/EOS C500 camera with no custom picture settings
[Off]: Colors are not adjusted.
Submenu levels / Menu items Options / Additional information
[Other Settings]
[Activate] [On], [Off]
Set this setting to [On] to enable the editing of the custom picture’s detailed settings explained in this
[Master Pedestal] –50 to 50 (±0)
Increases or decreases the black level. Higher settings will make dark areas brighter but decrease
contrast. When [Gamma] is set to one of the Canon Log settings, this setting has no effect on the
[Master Black Red],
[Master Black Green],
[Master Black Blue]
–50 to 50 (±0)
These settings correct the color cast in blacks. When [Gamma] is set to one of the Canon Log
settings, these settings have no effect on the picture.
[Black Gamma]
[Level] –50 to 50 (±0)
[Range], [Point] –20 to 50 (±0)
These settings control the lower part of the gamma curve (dark areas of the image). When [Gamma]
is set to one of the Canon Log settings or [Wide DR], these settings have no effect on the picture.
[Level]: Raises or lowers the lower part of the gamma curve.
[Range]: Selects the adjustment range from the selected [Point].
[Point]: Determines the shape of the lower part of the gamma curve.
[Low Key Satur.]
[Activate] [On], [Off]
Set this setting to [On] to enable the adjustment of color saturation in dark areas with the [Level]
[Level] –50 to 50 (±0)
Specifies how saturated colors are in dark areas.
[Activate] [On], [Off]
Set this setting to [On] to enable the adjustment of the knee point with the following settings.
Submenu levels / Menu items Options / Additional information