EOS C700, EOS C700 PL, EOS C700 GS PL, EOS C700 FF, EOS C700 FF PL Instruction Manual

Saving and Loading Camera Settings
Saving and Loading Camera Settings
After you adjust settings in the various menus and setup screens, you can save those settings in the camera or
on an SD card. You can load those settings at a later date between C700 / C700 PL / C700 GS PL cameras or
between C700 FF / C700 FF PL cameras so that you can use the cameras in the exact same way.
Saving Camera Settings
1 Open the [Save] submenu.
[System Setup] (
) > [Transfer Menu/
] > [Save]
2 Select [To Camera] or [To
] and then press SET.
3 Press both [SAVE] buttons simultaneously (camera menu) or select [OK] and press SET (monitoring
The camera’s settings will be saved to the selected destination. If settings were previously saved, the old file
will be overwritten by the current menu settings.
4 When the confirmation message appears, press [OK] (camera menu) or press SET (monitoring
Loading Camera Settings
1 Open the [Load] submenu.
[System Setup] (
) > [Transfer Menu/
] > [Load]
2 Select [From Camera] or [From
] and then press SET.
3 Press both [LOAD] buttons simultaneously (camera menu) or select [OK] and press SET (monitoring
The camera’s settings will be replaced by the settings saved on the selected source. Then, the screen will
turn black momentarily and the camera will restart.
The following settings are not saved with this operation.
- The following settings in the HOME screen: aperture value and ND filter setting ([IRIS]), shutter speed
([SHUTTER]), ISO speed and gain value ([ISO/GAIN]) and white balance mode and adjustment settings
([WB]) except for the user-set white balance settings, which are saved.
- Passwords/encryption keys for the various settings that were changed by the user under the
[NETWORK] submenus. (Default passwords are saved.)
When settings are loaded with this operation, even protected custom picture files in the camera will be
The camera settings file saved on the camera will be deleted if you reset the camera using the
[System Setup] > [Reset] > [All Settings] option.
Camera settings files are exclusively compatible for use only between C700 / C700 PL / C700 GS PL cameras
or between C700 FF / C700 FF PL cameras. If a C700 FF / C700 FF PL camera loads camera settings saved
with a C700 / C700 PL / C700 GS PL, some settings will be reset to default. Camera settings saved with a
camera using a newer firmware version may not be able to be loaded with a camera using an older firmware