EOS C700, EOS C700 PL, EOS C700 GS PL, EOS C700 FF, EOS C700 FF PL Instruction Manual

Setup Screens and Menu Options
[Custom Picture] (
) menu (monitoring menu only)
[Audio Setup] menu (
) (monitoring menu only)
Submenu levels / Menu items Setting options and additional information
[Preset], [Main Settings], [Other Settings] Refer to
Preset Color Settings
(A 84) and the
Available Custom Picture Settings
tables (A 134).
[Select] [C1:CP000001] to [C20:CP000020] (A 131)
[Rename] (A 132)
[Protect] [Unprotect], [Protect] (A 132)
[Reset] [Cancel], [OK] (A 132)
[Transfer] [Copy to 8], [Load from 8] (A 133)
Submenu levels / Menu items Setting options and additional information
[Audio Input]
[Select CH1/CH2 Input],
[Select CH3/CH4 Input]
[INPUT Terminals], [MIC Terminal], [Monaural Mic] (A 111)
[Audio Rec Level CH1] to
[Audio Rec Level CH4],
[Audio Rec Level CH1/CH2],
[Audio Rec Level CH3/CH4]
[Automatic], [Manual] (A 111)
[CH1 Level] to [CH4 Level],
[CH1/CH2 Level], [CH3/CH4 Level]
0 to 100 (50) (A 111)
[CH2 Input] [INPUT 2], [INPUT 1] (A 111)
[INPUT 1 Mic Trim],
[INPUT 2 Mic Trim]
[+12 dB], [+6 dB], [0 dB], [–6 dB], [–12 dB] (A 112)
[INPUT 1 Mic Att.],
[INPUT 2 Mic Att.]
[On], [Off] (A 113)
[INPUT 1&2 Limiter] [On], [Off] (A 111)
[MIC Att.] [On], [Off] (A 113)
[MIC Low Cut] [On], [Off] (A 113)
[CH1/CH2 ALC Link],
[CH3/CH4 ALC Link]
[Linked], [Separated] (A 111)
[1 kHz Tone] [–12 dB], [–18 dB], [–20 dB], [Off] (A 114)
[Audio Output]
[Headphone Volume] [Off], 1 to 15 (8) (A 143)
[Monitor Channels] [CH1/CH2], [CH1/CH1], [CH2/CH2], [CH1+2/CH1+2], [CH3/CH4], [CH3/CH3], [CH4/CH4],
[CH3+4/CH3+4], [CH1+3/CH2+4]
(A 160)
[HDMI Channels],
[RAW (SDI) Channels]
[CH1/CH2], [CH3/CH4] (A 160)