User manual

46: For the data session, error code received from FTP server
What to check on the FTP server
The connection was terminated by the FTP server.
Restart the FTP server.
Do the user rights for the FTP server allow reading, writing, and log access?
Configure the FTP server's user rights to allow reading, writing, and log access.
Do user rights allow access to the target folder on the FTP server?
Configure the user rights for access to the target folder on the FTP server to allow
saving images from the camera.
Is the power of the FTP server on?
Turn on the FTP server. The server may have been turned off because of an
energy-saving mode.
Is the hard disk of the FTP server full?
Increase available space on the hard disk.
48: Security of the connection to the target server cannot be verified.
If you trust this server and connect, set [Trust target server] to
This error occurs from a failure to confirm security of the target server connection
when connecting via FTPS.
Confirm that the certificate is set correctly.
Change [Trust target server] to [Enable] if you prefer to trust target servers
regardless of certificate settings.