User manual

Magnified View
To check the focus, you can magnify display by approx. 5× or 10× by tapping [ ].
Magnification is centered on the AF point for [Spot AF], [1-point AF], [Expand AF area:
], and [Expand AF area: Around], or on the Zone AF frame for Flexible Zone AF.
Autofocusing is performed in magnified view if you press the shutter button halfway.
When set to Servo AF, pressing the shutter button halfway in magnified view reverts to
the normal view for focusing.
Magnification is centered on the tracking frame when [ : Subject tracking] is set to
[Enable] and the tracking frame [ ] is white (as an active frame).
If focusing is difficult in the magnified view, return to the normal view and perform
If you perform AF in the normal view and then use the magnified view, accurate
focus may not be achieved.
AF speed differs between the normal view and magnified view.
Preview AF and Movie Servo AF are not available in magnified view.
With the magnified view, achieving focus becomes more difficult due to camera
shake. Using a tripod is recommended.