User manual

Table Of Contents
k Shooting Movies
General Movie Shooting Cautions are on pages 309-310.
If necessary, also read “General Live View Shooting Cautions” on
pages 261-262.
In Basic Zone modes (except the <8> and <v> modes), the
shooting result will be the same as with <A>. Also, the scene icon for
the scene detected by the camera is displayed on the upper left (p.267).
In the <f> and <s> shooting modes, the settings will be the same
as when shooting in the <d> mode.
Settable menu functions differ between Basic Zone modes and Creative
Zone modes (p.436).
Shutter speed, aperture and ISO speed are set automatically.
In Creative Zone modes, you can press the <A> button (p.199) to lock
the exposure (AE lock). The exposure setting will be displayed for the
number of seconds set with [z4: Metering timer]. After applying AE
lock during movie shooting, you can cancel it by pressing the <S>
button. (AE lock setting is retained until you press the <S> button.)
In Creative Zone modes, you can turn the <6> dial while holding down
the <g> button to set the exposure compensation.
If you shoot a movie with autoexposure, the shutter speed, aperture and
ISO speed will not be recorded in the movie’s Exif information.
With autoexposure movie shooting (except in time-lapse movie
shooting), the camera will automatically turn on the Speedlite’s LED light
under low-light conditions. For details, refer to the Instruction Manual of
the EX-series Speedlite equipped with an LED light.