User manual

Table Of Contents
Custom Functions are organized into four groups based on the function
type: C.Fn I: Exposure, C.Fn II: Image, C.Fn III: Autofocus/Drive,
C.Fn IV: Operation/Others.
3 Custom Function Setting ItemsN
C.Fn I: Exposure
C.Fn-1 Exposure level increments
0: 1/3-stop
1: 1/2-stop
Sets 1/2-stop increments for the shutter speed, aperture, exposure
compensation, AEB, flash exposure compensation, etc. This is
effective when you prefer to control the exposure in less fine
increments than 1/3-stop increments.
C.Fn-2 ISO expansion
0: Off
1: On
When you set the ISO speed, you can set “H” (equivalent to ISO
51200) for still photos and “H” (equivalent to ISO 25600) for
movies. Note that if [C.Fn-4: Highlight tone priority] is set to
[1:Enable], “H” cannot be selected.
C.Fn-3 Exposure compensation auto cancel
0: Enable
When you set the power switch to <2>, the exposure
compensation setting will be canceled.
1: Disable
The exposure compensation setting will remain in effect even if
you set the power switch to <2>.
With setting 1, the exposure level will be displayed as shown below.