Operation Manual

FAX-L1000 Chapter 3: Technical Reference
b-8) Control channel resyncronization procedure (Communication end
Protocol for terminating transmission.
The transmission speed is 1200bps.
• Transmitter
Signal viation Meaning Remarks
Sh signal Sh Short training
Sh signal Sh
ALT signal ALT
E sequence E
End of procedures PPS-EOP One page is transmitted.
Flag flags Maintain synchronization. 7E (H)
Disconnect signal DCN Disconnect the line.
• Receiver
Signal viation Meaning Remarks
Sh signal Sh Short training
Sh signal Sh
ALT signal ALT
E sequence E
Flag flags Maintain synchronization. 7E (H)
Message MCF Indicate that the receiver
confirmation has received the image
signal correctly and can
receive the next document